Steps to install anaconda python on Linux centos 7
Anaconda package used mostly frequently for the purpose of data science, scientific research. It helps to manages scientific libraries and dependencies for the python programming language codes . Python is a widely used high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming language. While Anaconda is typically used in machine learning and artificial intelligence applications, it also works as a stand-alone package manager.
Here one can follow few simple steps to install anaconda python on Linux cent OS 7
We have to first download anaconda package from official website it’s available for windows, Linux and Mac as well click here to start downloading. As per your OS Compatibility 32bit or 64 bit.
Since we are talking about linux cent OS based anaconda installation so we can also start downloading linux 64 bit package on command line.
If you get an error if curl command is not installed we can install it.
#yum install curl
After successful downloading the package it will be good idea to verify package, as download complete, compare the checksum:
Update Package
Anaconda package checks that the conda software must be updated before the full Anaconda package is installed. Start by entering the following:
#conda update conda
Once the update finishes, update Anaconda by entering the following:
#conda update anaconda
Now it’s time to run the Anaconda package installation script

The package installation will welcome you to the installer, it will ask you to review and approve the license terms. Do so, then press Enter to continue.
It will asked to agree to the terms – type yes to continue installation.
Now it will prompt you to use the default installation location (/root/amaconda3).
Press Enter to continue or specify your location. You may cancel the installation if necessary. It is recommended to use the default installation location unless you have a specific need to change it.
The installer will run and finish.
Now if you are installing on root just run the command #conda -V or if you are tying installation on user level just export the installation path user’s .bashrc using source ~/.bashrc.
Hope after using above steps you will be able to successfully install anaconda on linux cent os 7.